raghupati raghava raja raam,
patita pavana sita raam,
eeshwar allah tero naam,
sabko sanmati de bhagavan.
there was once a golden age,
in this modern era, for India,
no, it was not perfect,
divided by caste and wealth it was,
riddled with hunger and poverty it was,
blinded with lack of mass education it was.
Why then was this the golden age you ask?
it was because 'WE' came before 'ME',
just fresh from birth, this ancient land arose,
gently, slowly, but with a resolute force,
life was simpler, there was no mad rush,
we can only run along time, but not overtake it.
a mass coscience prevailed,
a sense of direction was laid,
to which the people as a whole,
toiled and worked hard to reach.
where now is this path?
'WE' now is all but gone.
there ain't no leader worth his salt,
there ain't no cause to drive us more.
why is it that we need a disaster to wake up?
only to sleep again as the moments pass?
unity in diversity we claim,
patriotism is reduced to a lame game.
Arise, Awake and Stop Not Till Your Goal is Reached,
screamed a man, a long time back.
Please oh friends, I plead,
let us do something worthwhile,
it is not the destination where you want to reach,
which matters the most,
but it is the journey, which speaks,
it is that with which you become You.
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