
Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Necklace

Sitting down on the mat for dinner,
Joints worn out, almost seeming like torture,
He waited as his wife, made things hotter.

Cataracted eyes dimming his sight,
Made seeing tough in the night,
Watched his empty plate, seeking respite.

As She served with a smile,
He felt abler to travel many a mile,
Any distance for you, its worthwhile.

He noticed she kept glancing away,
Ever so slight, To a poster hidden somewhere,
What he wondered, Later I shall uncover.

When she slept, he found what it was,
A gold necklace, simple and elegant, that,
any woman would want, a halo around their neck.

He went in search of the glitter,
It was too much weight for him to bear,
He skipped lunches everyday, to afford the fare.

Many empty stomachs later, he had gathered,
Enough, for now a single gram he treasured,
Enough, of which had left him weathered.


Sitting down on the mat for dinner,
Not minding the torture, just this one time,
He waited as his wife, made things hotter.

After, he calls her in front of the faded mirror,
Hung on a paint-less wall, he stands behind,
what is it she asks, puzzled by his unusual stance.

He takes out his precious 1 gram,
The only object that shone there with glam,
That soon was off-set by 2 sparkling eyes.

Hands trembled to hook the links,
It finally adorned, it was ensconced.

She looked only at the glitter, reflecting in hers own,
Not realizing the strain in his self-less dare.

A tear drop fell on her back, what is it she asked.
Only our leaky roof he said, I will set it right.

The halo round her necked stayed, along with her smile.
Any distance for you, I near the destination or not,
is worthwhile.