
Monday, July 2, 2012


The messenger wind,
Runs, hops and ambles,
about the leaves,
Bringing with it,
Uttering of other
leaves far away,..

"Wake up! Curl up!"
"Droop no more!"
"The sun is out"

Wakes the trees up,
With a gentle nudge
Does the Excited wind,
As the leaves rustle
A Welcome to the
Cleansing rays,

Which nestles on leaves,
Penetrates the gaps,
Till they be trapped
In the maze,
Of knit leaves,
As Clouds smile at 
this play,

I stand underneath,
Half wet with shine
Half kissed with shade,

The light promises me
Unseen Temptation, 
The shade promises me
Seen Satisfaction,

To Whose side shall I 
Snuggle over to ?

photo details: 
Sunrise at Kuarsi Village,
Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh


moonlite:D said...

lovely description of the fresh morning.

(I so wish I'd your eyes which can see the unseen :) )

moonlite:D said...

and the pic is awesom-amazing,

loved the contrast of dark leaves (shade of seen) with colorful sky (light of unseen)..

hats off! master :)

nanda said...

thank you dear moonlite :)